Pics and stories from Adam and David and Erez and's trip to Oz

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kangaroos are kinda cool

I would like a pet kangaroo, mom, dad please take note of this. David and I went to an animal sanctuary with Fay and Bruce (who we should really get a picture of), it was very nice of them to take us out, and we had the time of our lives.

First thing-- I pet a snake, and I am totally scared of snakes, but I did it any way.

Second -- We got to pet kangaroos, which was really cool too.

Third -- David got mauled(Spelling provided by Caitlin so if its wrong bug her) by a Koala

Fourth -- and best part is that David didnt really get mauled by a Koala, but we did see some and their feet are really messed up.

Also we saw a whole bunch of wallabees and lil tiny mice looking things, and over 1.3 million different species of birds. David made out with a dingo, it was gross.

Here are more pics, but they are not from the santuary cause we have not taken those off the camera yet, we will do that later.

Adam with crazy lady on the tram..."stop touching my legs"

for Caitlin, Kristing, Janice, Jax and Saslove; I thought you would like this!


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